J. P. Morgan Workplace Solutions

Chris Dohrmann is executive director of strategic partnerships for equity plan services at J.P. Morgan Workplace Solutions, and host of the company's equity compensation podcast, Own Up. Chris has over 30 years’ experience and has worked with companies ranging from startups to pre-IPO, from small to mid-cap companies in the US, and with international Fortune 500 firms. Chris’ career has spanned all areas of the industry, including investment banks, issuers, brokers, and platform providers. Chris was formerly executive director at Equatex, and prior to that spent 20 years in positions at Morgan Stanley, Smith Barney, Citigroup and AST. He is experienced in managing high-profile, high-revenue relationships, as well as large client bases. Chris is a NASPP Distinguished Equity Fellow, a GEO Fellow, and a former board member for GEO as well as the CEPI Advisory Board.