Certified Education Opportunities
Certified Public Accountants
Certified Public Accountants can earn CPE credits at GEO live webcasts and conference events. The fields of study typically included in GEO education are Accounting, Business Law, Business Management and Organization, Communications & Marketing, Economics, Finance, Information Technology, Personal Development, Personnel/HR, Specialized Knowledge, and Taxes.
Program levels for GEO programs are designated in each workshop description with the notation, O for overview, I for basic, II for intermediate and III for advanced.
- Programs designated as overview (O) have no prerequisites and are designed for individuals with a wide range of experience.
- Programs designated as basic (I) have no prerequisites and are designed for individuals new to equity compensation or those with limited experience.
- Intermediate programs (II) build upon information discussed in the basic program and are suited for individuals with between three- and five-years’ experience in equity compensation or commensurate education.
- Advanced programs (III) are most useful for individuals with more than five years of experience in equity compensation or commensurate education and focus on the development of in-depth or specialized knowledge.
The instructional method is group live for GEO conferences and group internet for the live broadcast of GEO conferences and GEO webcasts. There is no required advanced preparation.
The Global Equity Organization is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: nasbaregistry.org.
Certified Equity Professional Institute
CEP Certified Equity Professionals can obtain continuing education credits for attending GEO events. Please consult the CEPI website for further information on calculating CEP credit.
Contact Us
For more information, or to file a complaint, please contact our offices at +1 (714) 630-2908 or GEOinfo@globalequity.org.