We invite you to share your expertise and insights by submitting a proposal to speak at our 26th Annual Conference in Prague on 28-30 April 2025.

The GEO Annual Conference is a premier gathering of industry leaders, experts, and professionals from around the globe, dedicated to advancing the field of equity compensation. We are excited to invite a diverse and dynamic line up of speakers to explore the latest trends, innovative strategies, and future directions in equity compensation.

As a speaker, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Present to an engaged and knowledgeable audience
  • Network with industry peers and thought leaders
  • Enhance your professional profile
  • Contribute to the advancement of the global equity community

To submit your proposal, please complete the online speaker submission form by Friday, 13 September 2024.


Our agenda features subject tracks that are expansive and diverse, catering to attendees eager to explore every facet of global equity compensation and designed to deepen their understanding and enhance their expertise. 

From fundamental concepts of equity plan design to the intricacies of executive compensation and international tax implications, each track provides valuable insights tailored to professionals at every stage of their careers. 




This stream focuses on innovative approaches to equity plan design, effective strategies for implementation, and best practices for optimizing equity compensation programs. 

We invite experts to share insights on cutting-edge trends, practical applications, and strategic thinking that drive successful equity programs. 

Session topics of interest include: 

  • The impact of regulatory changes on equity plans
  • Designing equity compensation for a global workforce
  • Leveraging technology for equity plan administration
  • Aligning equity compensation with corporate performance
  • Innovative approaches to employee ownership
  • Best practices for designing equity plans for a global workforce.

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This stream aims to equip professionals with the expertise needed to navigate the evolving global equity environment effectively.

Potential speakers are encouraged to present on a variety of relevant topics, including but not limited to: 

  • Navigating the latest tax implications and legal risks in global equity compensation
  • Optimizing financial reporting for equity awards
  • Addressing the challenges of equity compensation in corporate transactions such as mergers and acquisitions 
  • Cross-border employment issues with a focus on remote work from abroad
  • The effects of global sanctions on share plans
  • An overview of countries with less extensive share plans infrastructure and/or developing share-owning cultures, and the compensation alternatives available

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This stream aims to explore innovative strategies and effective practices in communicating share plans and engaging employees globally.

As well as addressing pressing communication challenges, sessions should delve into understanding employee motivations and expectations regarding equity incentives and identify the best tools for employee retention. 

Here are examples of session topics to inspire your proposals:

  • Innovative solutions to common communications challenges in global share plans
  • Distinguishing responsible plan communications and education from financial advice
  • Shaping global employees' perception of share plans: valuation, understanding, and preferences
  • Equity incentives: employee expectations and motivations for participation
  • Effective strategies to enhance employee understanding and valuation of share plans.

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This track is dedicated to exploring critical aspects of equity compensation management, aiming to equip attendees with practical strategies and industry-leading knowledge. 

Sessions will cover essential topics such as:

  • Identifying technologies that yield the greatest efficiency and ROI in equity plan administration
  • Harmonizing equity reporting with payroll systems for accuracy and efficiency
  • Offering a practical guide to automating processes with a focus on identifying the most effective tools available
  • Enhancing data privacy and security in equity plans
  • Case studies on successful implementation of equity plans in diverse global markets
  • Addressing the complexities involved in fostering effective collaboration among cross-functional teams including HR, Finance, Legal, and beyond.

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ladies talking


This stream focuses on addressing the unique challenges and opportunities faced by privately-owned and early-stage companies in designing effective equity compensation strategies. 

Sessions will delve into crucial topics such as:

  • Equity plan recommendations tailored for companies in their growth phases
  • Practical approaches to implementing equity plans on limited budgets
  • Navigating the impact of current market conditions—especially pertinent to sectors like technology and financial services
  • The complexities of share re-pricings and their implications on carveouts and IPOs
  • Broader considerations in compensation and equity design specific to private entities, such as cap table management, facilitating liquidity opportunities for employees
  • The intricate landscape of mergers and acquisitions and how these transactions influence equity compensation strategies. 

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smiling lady


This stream offers a comprehensive global perspective on fundamental topics in equity compensation, delivering invaluable insights tailored for professionals managing multi-jurisdictional share plan programs.

Example session titles include:

  • Navigating tax and legal considerations in European markets
  • Insights into global stock markets and economic conditions
  • Effective strategies for working across cultures and time zones
  • Managing compensation for internationally mobile employees
  • Ensuring compliance and best practices in emerging markets
  • Addressing cultural nuances in equity compensation programs.

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This specialized track focuses on exploring cutting-edge advancements and transformative trends within equity compensation and share plans. 

Sessions within this stream aim to delve into emerging technologies, innovative practices, and their implications for global equity programs. 

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 

  • Harnessing blockchain for secure and transparent equity transactions
  • Leveraging artificial intelligence for predictive analytics in equity management
  • Integrating machine learning to optimize employee stock option exercises
  • Exploring the impact of virtual reality on global employee engagement in equity plans
  • Navigating regulatory landscapes in the era of digital currencies for cross-border stock awards
  • Assessing the role of big data in shaping future equity compensation strategies.

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people clapping


These sessions are designed to equip conference attendees with the knowledge and tools necessary for responsible employers to support their workforces and to ensure that participants derive maximum value from their global share plans and understand how their equity fits into their overall financial portfolio and wealth management strategy.

Suggested session topics include:

  • Advanced strategies for maximizing equity value
  • Financial planning for long-term equity holders
  • Employee financial and invetment education and engagement
  • Managing currency fluctuations and their impact on equity compensation packages
  • Strategies for utilizing equity holdings in long-term financial planning, retirement planning, and succession plans
  • Techniques for optimal timing of stock options or RSUs, and strategies for maximizing financial benefits.

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lady smiling


Sessions in this stream will focus on equipping attendees with the knowledge and strategies needed to navigate the complex and evolving regulatory environments, align executive pay with performance, and ensure effective stakeholder engagement. 

Potential session topics include: 

  • Innovative approaches to long-term incentive plans
  • Understanding trends and navigating global regulatory changes in executive compensation
  • Aligning executive compensation with ESG goals
  • Effective communication strategies for executive pay packages
  • Designing competitive and equitable total reward strategies for the C-suite
  • Understanding equity’s role in recruiting and retaining top-tier talent
  • Strategies for managing external stakeholders, such as investors and regulators, and their evolving views on executive compensation.

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lady writing


Focusing on professional growth and career development, this stream will offer sessions on topics designed to help attendees identify and seize opportunities for progression within their respective companies and the broader industry landscape.

Example session titles include:

  • Unlocking your potential: insights from career coaching
  • Cultivating self-awareness and enhancing emotional intelligence for professional growth
  • Mastering difficult conversations in the workplace
  • Understanding imposter syndrome and how to overcome it
  • Examples of share plan career paths and navigating career transitions
  • Cultivating resilience and adaptability in a rapidly changing environment.

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