15 May 2024

EXCELLENCE IN GLOBAL SHARE PLANS Innovations in Share Plan Management: Leveraging Technology for Success

Gabbi Stopp, Executive Director, GEO
Kody Adams, Domo
Adam Favreau, Boston Scientific
Jenna Knowles, Amazon
Bernd Schmelzer, DHL 

GEO award excellence

In a recent webcast sponsored by InsightSoftware, the recipients of the 2024 Best in Technology GEO Award gathered to explore the crucial role of technology in reshaping share plan management. Representatives from industry leaders Domo, DHL, Amazon, and Boston Scientific shared their perspectives and introduced groundbreaking technological solutions that have transformed share plan administration both internally and externally. 

Addressing unsustainable practices 

Kody Adams from Domo shed light on the necessity for change, identifying existing practices within their share plan management as unsustainable due to their inefficiency and complexity. Manual processes for equity concept simplification and administrative tasks were proving burdensome and error-prone. Recognizing the urgency for innovation, Domo embarked on implementing an approach aimed at simplifying equity concepts for employees and automating repetitive processes. This initiative aimed to streamline operations, minimize errors, and enhance overall efficiency, ensuring a smoother experience for both employees and administrators. 

Navigating executive support 

Kody emphasized the critical importance of securing executive backing for transformative initiatives. While facing initial scepticism from some leaders, particularly regarding data privacy and security concerns, Kody's direct executive championed the initiative. Gaining consensus required extensive discussions and concessions to address concerns, highlighting the importance of aligning visions across leadership tiers. The journey to securing executive support underscored the significance of transparent communication, meticulous planning, and a clear demonstration of the anticipated benefits of the proposed technological advancements. 

Leveraging existing resources 

Despite budgetary constraints, Kody highlighted the significance of maximizing existing resources and fostering creativity in solution development. Domo strategically collaborated with its equity provider and leveraged internal expertise to tailor a solution to its specific needs. By capitalizing on existing tools and expertise, Domo effectively optimized its resources, minimizing additional financial burdens. This collaborative effort not only enabled Domo to overcome challenges but also fostered a culture of innovation and collaboration within the organization, ultimately contributing to the successful implementation of its share plan solution. 

Streamlining processes through technology 

Adam Favreau shared insights into Boston Scientific’s technological journey, emphasizing the importance of harnessing technology to simplify complex processes. Recognizing the need to streamline share plan management processes for enhanced efficiency and accuracy, Boston Scientific established API integrations between SuccessFactors and Morgan Stanley. This automation reduced manual intervention and improved accuracy in share plan management. Favreau highlighted the necessity of building a compelling business case and securing leadership buy-in to drive technological advancements, further emphasizing the pivotal role of technology in optimizing share plan administration processes. 

Embracing AI for future success 

Jenna Knowles from Amazon discussed the future trajectory of share plan management, highlighting the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI). Jenna underscored the role of AI-powered modules in automating processes and delivering personalized support to employees, thereby streamlining operations and enhancing the overall employee experience. Amazon's innovative approach to leveraging AI reflects its commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements and continuously enhancing its share plan management practices to meet the evolving needs of its workforce. 

Collaboration and innovation 

Throughout the discussion, speakers emphasized the significance of collaboration between organizations and technology providers. Bernd Schmelzer from DHL commended their partners for their instrumental support in implementing innovative solutions. By closely collaborating with providers like BEQOM and Computershare, DHL successfully integrated new technologies, optimizing the efficiency of their share plan administration processes. Bernd’s insights highlighted the invaluable role of collaboration in driving innovation and fostering successful technological implementations within organizations. 

In conclusion, the webcast participants reflected on the evolving landscape of share plan management and expressed optimism about the transformative potential of technology, particularly AI.  

While challenges persist, embracing innovation, leveraging existing resources, and fostering collaboration are pivotal in driving efficiency, accuracy, and employee satisfaction in share plan administration.  

The shared experiences and insights from the award-winning organizations serve as valuable lessons for organizations looking to optimize their share plan management practices and stay ahead in an increasingly digital and dynamic business environment. 


Read more about these winning plans here: BEST USE OF TECHNOLOGY | Global Equity Organization